This session will focus on the summer rollover tasks in Little SIS. This includes stopping and tweaking your roster jobs, archiving and deleting old classrooms, and reviewing your school tags and admin roles.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024 · 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT -4:00)
Onboarding and Engagement
Andrea Frendo
Onboarding & Engagement Consultant, CDW Amplified for Education
With over a decade of experience in SAAS onboarding and engagement consulting, Andrea is a seasoned professional dedicated to enhancing customer experiences. She has successfully trained and onboarded countless customers on company-created SAAS products, leveraging Google Meet, webinars, and video content to provide ongoing support and training. Andrea's expertise extends to community building, as she adeptly manages customer forums and leads customer round tables to gather direct feedback and establish beta tester groups. Her collaborative approach with development and sales teams has consistently driven tool improvements and boosted sales and renewal statistics, making her a valuable asset in the SAAS industry.
Chad Frerichs
Principal EDU Solutions Architect
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